Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Analysis of massive explosion in east harlem, new york city

(CNN) -- A massive explosion Wednesday injured at least 11 people and resulted in a building collapse and raging fire in Manhattan's East Harlem, authorities said.

A Con Ed spokesman Bob McGee said the utility received a call of a gas leak at 9:13 AM. The call came from a resident at one of the newer building on Park Avenue. The utility dispatched a truck two minutes later but it arrived after the explosion, the spokesman said.

Explosion in Harlem Building collapses in Manhattan Clouds of dark smoke rose over the largely residential area of red-brick tenements and small businesses after the the 9:30 a.m. blast.

The explosion occurred on wednesday (ruled by Mercury) and shukla dwadasi (ruled by Mercury). Panchang represents five elements of existence. Vara represents Agni component. Tithi stands for Watery element. Karna stands for earthy element. Yoga for Akash tattva. Nakshatras for Airy component. When tithi (water) and vara(agni) are ruled by same planet, it causes disturbance in the system because Agni and Jal are inimical to each other.

In the chart, Mercury rules over Jal and Agni component of day's panchang. Mercury itself rules over all the earthy elements (buildings, structures etc) of the nature. Karna component was ruled by Sun. Sun and Mercury are together in Natural badhak sign aquarius, indicating trouble to earthy elements (building structures) from fiery components. Saturn rules over airy elements and in the chart, Saturn is lord of Pushya nakshtra and placed in 8th house of troubles, indicating igniting problem from airy element, noxious gas. In Navtara chakra, Chitra is Naidhana-tara(death star) from Pushya. Chitra is ruled by Mars which is placed in it along with Badhakesh Rahu.

Lagna is placed in fiery sign Aries having 8th lord Ketu, showing trouble because of some mistake. Lagna Lord Mars is in maran karak sthan (7th house) in inimical sign with enemy Rahu co-lord of Aquarius. Such ill placed Rahu and Mars aspecting Lagna.

Jupiter the source of wisdom, saviour of humans is in maran karak sthan indicating the it could have been caused by some less trained novice technician or layman.

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