Tuesday, March 19, 2013

D60 Amsa Rulers

1. ghora- terrible ***
Ghora sanskrit word means "deep state", "horrible","active", "fearful","fearsome","roaring".

Ghora demon was onto throw Devatas from heaven. So Brahma instructed Narad to teach path of Adharma to Ghora and his wife, in any way. Narada taught path of sensuous pleasures to propitiate Gods, giving examples of Indra and other Devatas. Narada incited Ghora to abduct Paravati. Ghora got killed by Ma Paravati while doing it.

On subtle level, Ghora signifies the state of Ati (over). This Amsa can energize the person to go in either extremes with the help of other factors. A saintly person may become demonic during Grahas of this Amsa and the reverse is also possible.

2. rakshasa- demon ***
3. deva- one who is full of light 
4. kubera- god of wealth 
5. yaksha- divine singer ***
6. kinnara-Kinnaras are celestial beings next to devas, yakshas and gandharvas. they are disembodied beings but angels of some sort who neither want to get liberated nor come down to earth but are happy at their state of evolution. they are very pious and good beings but without any autonomy and they generally report to Lord shiva.

7. bhrsta- fallen ***
8. kulagna- person will ruin family ***
9. garala- poison ***
10.vahni- fire ***
11. maya- deceit *** 
12. pureeshaka- dirty ***
13.apampati- rain god( varuna) ***
14.marut- wind god 
15.kaala- time ***
16.sarpa- snake, very vicious ***
17.amirta- nectar 
18.indu- moon 
19.mrdu- soft 
20.komala- tender 
21.heramba- vinayaka 
22.brahma- universal father 
23.vishnu- one of the hindu trinity 
24.maheswara- another deity of hindu trinity ***
25.deva- enjoyment 
26.ardra- moist 
27.kalinasa destruction of strife 
28.kshiteesa- ruler of earth 
29.kamalakara- pond full of lotus 
30.gulika- saturn's son ***
31.mrtyu- death ***
32.kala- time god ***
33.daavagni- forest fire ***
34.ghora- terrible ***
35. yama- death personified ***
36.kantaka- thorn ***
37.sudha- nector 
38.amirta- nector 
39.poornachandra- full of effulgence 
40.visha dagdha- venom consuming ***
41.kulanaasa- ruins the family ***
42.vamsakshya- descendants not growing ***
43.utpaata- calamity ***
44.kalarupa- time god ***
45.soumya- pleasing 
46.komala- tender 
47.seetala- cold 
48.karaladhamstra- hard and ferocious look ***
49.chandramukhi- moon faced 
50.praveena- well versed 
51.kaala pavaka- destructive fire at the end of the world ***
52.dhandayutha- the staff held by the ascetic ***
53.nirmala- spotless 
54.soumya- pleasing 
55.kroora- cruel ***
56.atiseetala- too cold ***
57.amrita- nector 
58.payodhi- ocean 
59.brahmna- wanderer 
60.chandrarekha- streaks of the moon 

*** : Malefic

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Effects of Ari Bhav

O Brahmin, following are the effects, produced by Ari Bhava, relating to diseases, ulcers etc. Listen to this attentively. 

Ulcers/Bruises. Should Ari’s Lord be in Ari itself, or in Lagn, or Randhr, there will be ulcers, or bruises on the body. The Rashi, becoming Ari Bhava, will lead to the knowledge of the concerned limb. 

Relatives Affected. The Karak of a relative, or the Lord of such a Bhava, joining Ari’s Lord, or being in Ari, or Randhr Bhava, indicates ulcers/bruises to such a relative, like father. Surya with such lordship and in such a Bhava denotes such affectation of head, Candr of the face, Mangal of the neck, Budh of the navel, Guru of the nose, Sukr of the eyes, Sani of the feet and the Rahu and Ketu of the abdomen.  

Facial Diseases. Should Lagn’s Lord be in a Rashi of Mangal, or of Budh and has a Drishti on Budh, there will be diseases of the face. 

 Leprosy. Mangal, or Budh, having ownership of the ascending Rashi and joining Candr, Rahu and Sani, will cause leprosy. If Candr is in Lagn, which is not however Cancer, and be with Rahu, there will occur white leprosy. Sani in place of Rahu will cause black leprosy, while Mangal similarly will afflict one with blood-leprosy. 

Diseases in General. When Lagn is occupied by the Lords of Ari and Randhr Bhava along with Surya, the native will be afflicted by fever and tumours. Mangal, replacing Surya, will cause swelling and hardening of the blood vessels and wounds and hits by weapons. Budh so featuring will bring in billious diseases, while Guru in similar case will destroy any disease. Similarly Sukr will cause diseases through females, Sani windy diseases, Rahu danger through low-caste-men and Ketu navel diseases. Candr in Yuti with the Lords of Ari and Randhr Bhava will inflict dangers through water and phlegmatic disorders. Similar estimates be made from the respective significators and Bhavas for relatives, like father. 13-19½ TIMING OF ILLNESS. The native will be afflicted by illness throughout life, if Sani is with Rahu, while Ari Lord and 6th Bhava are yuti with malefics. One will suffer from (severe) fever at the age of 6 and at the age of 12, if Mangal is in Ari, while Ari Lord is in Randhr. If the Candr is in Dhanu/Meen, while Guru is in Ari from Lagn, one will suffer from leprosy at the age of 19 and 22. If Rahu is in Ari, Lagna Lord is in Randhr and Mandi is in an angle, consumption will trouble the native at the age of 26. Spleenary disorders will be experienced at the age of 29 and 30, if the Lords of 6th and 12th are in exchange of their Rashis. Sani and Candr together in Ari will inflict blood-leprosy at the age of 45. If Sani is with an inimical planet, while Lagn Lord is in Lagn itself, windy disorders (like rheumatism) will trouble the native at the age of 59. 20-22. UNFORTUNATE YEARS. Should Candr be yuti with Ari Lord, while the 8th Lord is in Ari and the 12th Lord is in Lagn, the native will be troubled by animals at the age of eight. O Brahmin, if Rahu is in Ari, while Sani is in Randhr from the said Rahu, the child will have danger through fire at the age of 1 and 2, while in Sahaj year birds will bring some evils. 23-25. UNFORTUNATE YEARS (continued). Danger through water will have to be feared during Putr and Dharm years, if Surya is in Ari, or Randhr, while Candr is in Vyaya from the said Surya. Sani in Randhr, as Mangal is in Yuvati, all cause small-pox in Karm year and in 30th year of age. If 8th Lord joins Rahu in an angle/trine from Randhr Bhava and be in Randhr in Navamsa, the subject will be troubled by swelling of blood vessels, urinary disorders etc. during the 18th year and the 22nd year. 26. LOSS THROUGH ENEMIES. Loss of wealth will come to pass during the 31st year, if Labh and 6th Lords exchange their Rashis. 27. INIMICAL SONS. One’s own sons will be his enemies, if Putr Lord is in Ari, while Ari Lord is with Guru. Simultaneously Vyaya Lord should be in Lagn. 28. FEAR FROM DOGS. There will be fear from dogs during the 10th and 19th year, if the Lagna Lord and the 6th Lord are in exchange.

Effects of Putr Bhav

O Brahmin, now I tell you the effects, related to Putr Bhava. If the Lords of Lagn and Putr are in their own Rashis, or in an angle, or in a trine, one will enjoy thorough happiness through his children. 

Should Putr’s Lord be in Ari, Randhr, or Vyaya Bhava, there will be no offspring. Should the Lord of Putr be combust, or be with malefics and be weak, there will be no children; even, if per chance issues are obtained, they will only quit the world soon. 

The Yuti of Putr’s Lord with Lagn’s Lord in a good Bhava will ensure early obtainment of children apart from happiness through them. 

If they join in an evil Bhava, they will prove a defect in this respect. 

If Putr’s Lord is in Ari Bhava, as Lagn’s Lord is yuti with Mangal, the native will lose his very first child, whereafter his female will not be fertile to yield an offspring. 

Should Putr’s Lord be in fall in Ari, Randhr, or Vyaya Bhava, while Budh and Ketu are in Putr Bhava, the native’s wife will give birth to one child only. 

If Putr’s Lord is in fall and be not in Drishti to Putr, while Sani and Budh are in Putr, the native’s wife will give birth to one child only. 7. Should Dharm’s Lord be in Lagn, while Putr’s Lord is in fall and Ketu is in Putr along with Budh, obtainment of progeny will be after a great deal of ordeal. 8. If Putr’s Lord is in Ari, Randhr, or Vyaya Bhava, or be in an inimical Rashi, or be in fall, or in Putr itself, the native will beget issues with difficulty. 9. Should Putr Bhava be owned by Sani, or Budh and be occupied, or drishtied by Sani and Mandi, one will have adopted issues. 10. Should Surya and Candr be together in a Rashi and in the same Navans, the native will be brought up by three mothers, or two fathers. 11. Adopted issue is indicated, if Putr is tenanted by six Grahas, while its Lord is in Vyaya Bhava and Candr and Lagn are endowed with strength. 12. There will be many children, if Putr’s Lord is strong, while Putr is drishtied by strong Budh, Guru and Sukr. 13. If Putr’s Lord is with Candr, or is in her Decanate, the native will beget daughters; so say Jyotishis. 14. If Putr’s Lord is in a Movable Rashi, while Sani is in Putr, as Rahu is with Candr, the child (so born) is of questionable birth. 15. Undoubtedly the native is born of other’s loins, if Candr is in the 8th from Lagn, while Guru is in the 8th from Candr. Malefic’s Drishti, or Yuti is essential in this Yog. 16. If Putr’s Lord is exalted, or be in Dhan, Putr, or Dharm Bhava, or be yuti with, or drishtied by Guru, obtainment of children will be there. 17. One will obtain children, that will indulge in mean deeds, if Putr is occupied by three, or four malefics, while Putr’s Lord is in fall. A benefic (including Budh) in Putr is excluded in the said combination. 18. If Putr is occupied by Guru, while its Lord is with Sukr, one will obtain an offspring in his 32nd, or 33rd year. 19. Should Putr’s Lord be in an angle along with Guru, the Karak, one will beget a child at the age of 30, or 36. 20. If Guru is in Dharm Bhava, while Sukr is in the 9th from Guru along with Lagn’s Lord, one will beget a child at the age of 40. 21. The native will at the age of 32 lose his child, if Rahu is in Putr, Putr’s Lord is in Yuti with a malefic and Guru is in debilitation. 22. There will be loss of children at 33 and 36, if a malefic is in the 5th from Guru, while another is in the 5th from Lagn. 23. Should Mandi be in Lagn, while Lagn’s Lord is in fall, grief on account of loss of child at the age of 56 will come to pass. 24-32. Number of Children. There will be 10 sons, if Bandhu Bhava and Ari Bhava are occupied by malefics, while Putr’s Lord is in deep exaltation, joining Lagn’s Lord, as Guru is with another benefic. Nine will be the number of sons, that one will beget, if Guru is in deep exaltation, as Rahu is with Dhan’s Lord and Dharm is occupied by its own Lord. There will be eight sons, if Guru is in Putr, or Dharm Bhava, while Putr’s Lord is endowed with strength and Dhan’s Lord is in Karm Bhava. Sani in Dharm Bhava, while Putr’s Lord is in Putr itself, gives 7 sons, out of which twins will be born twice. If Putr’s Lord is in Putr in Yuti with Dhan’s Lord, there will be birth of 7 sons, out of which 3 will pass away. Only one son is denoted, if there be a malefic in Putr Bhava, while Guru is in the 5th from Sani, or vice versa. If Putr Bhava has a malefic in it, or, if Sani is in the 5th from Guru, the native will beget offspring only through his second, or third wife. Should Putr be occupied by a malefic, while Guru is yuti with Sani in Putr Bhava, as Lagn’s Lord is in Dhan Bhava and Putr’s Lord is yuti with Mangal, one will live long, but lose his children one after the other, as they are born.

Effects of Bandhu Bhav

O excellent of the Brahmins, thus have been briefly told the effects of Sahaj Bhava. Now listen to the results, related to Bandhu Bhava. 

Housing Comforts. One will have residential comforts in full degree, if Bandhu is occupied by its Lord, or by Lagn’s Lord and be drishtied by a benefic. 

Miscellaneous. Should Putr’s Lord be in his own Bhava, or in own Navans, or in exaltation, the native will be endowed with comforts, related to lands, conveyances, houses etc. and musical instruments. 

Housing Comforts. If Karm’s Lord joins Bandhu’s Lord in an angle, or in a trine, the native will acquire beautiful mansions. 

Relatives. Should Budh be in Lagn, while Bandhu’s Lord, being a benefic, is drishtied by another benefic, the native will be honoured by his relatives. 

Long-living Mother. If Bandhu Bhava is occupied by a benefic, while its Lord is in his exaltation Rashi, as the indicator of mother is endowed with strength, the native will have a long-living mother. 

Happiness of Mother. The native’s mother will be happy, if Bandhu’s Lord is in an angle, while Sukr is also in an angle, as Budh is exalted. 

Quadrupeds. Surya in Bandhu, Candr and Sani in Dharm and Mangal in Labh Bhava; this Yoga will confer cows and buffaloes on the native. 

Dumbness. Should Bandhu Bhava be a Movable one, while its Lord and Mangal are together in Ari, or Randhr Bhava, the native will be dumb.  

Conveyances. If Lagn’s Lord is a benefic, while Bandhu’s Lord is in fall, or in Labh Bhava and the significator (Sukr) is in Vyaya Bhava, the native will obtain conveyances in his 12th year. 

Should Surya be in Bandhu Bhava, as Bandhu’s Lord is exalted and be with Sukr, one will acquire conveyances in his 32nd year. It will be in the 42nd year, that one will be endowed with conveyances, if Bandhu’s Lord joins Karm’s Lord in his (4th Lord’s) exaltation Navans. 

An exchange between Labh’s and Bandhu’s Lords will confer conveyances in the 12th year. A benefic, related to Bandhu Bhava (and to its Lord), will bring with him auspicious effects (regarding conveyances), while a malefic will produce only malefic effects (in respect of conveyances). Should a benefic be in Bandhu, drishti Bandhu, or in yuti with the Lord of Bandhu, or a Drishti on the Lord of Bandhu Bhava, then the native will be happy with conveyances and be free from accidents and dangers. A malefic, replacing the said benefic, will cause losses, concerning vehicles and reduce one to severe accidents.

Effects of Sahaj Bhav

O Brahmin, I now tell you about Sahaj Bhava. Should Sahaj Bhava be yuti with, or drishtied by a benefic, the native will be endowed with co-born and be courageous. 

If Sahaj’s Lord along with Mangal drishties Sahaj Bhava, the native will enjoy good results, due to Sahaj Bhava. Alternatively these two Grahas may be in Sahaj itself. 

Destruction at once of co-born will come to pass, if the said 2 Grahas are together with a malefic, or in a Rashi, owned by a malefic. 

Female and Male Co-born. If Sahaj’s Lord is a female Grah, or, if Sahaj Bhava be occupied by female Grahas, one will have sisters, born after him. 

Similarly male Grahas and male Rashis denote younger brothers. Should it be of mixed nature, co-born of both sexes will be obtained. These effects be declared after assessing the strength and weakness of the concerned. 

Should Sahaj’s Lord and Mangal be together in Randhr Bhava, destruction of co-born will result. Happiness in this respect will come to pass, if Mangal, or Sahaj’s Lord is in an angle, or in a trine, or in exaltation, or friendly divisions. 

Number of Brothers and Sisters. If Budh is in Sahaj Bhava, while Sahaj’s Lord and Candr are together, as the indicator (Mangal) joins Sani, the effects are: there occurred the birth of an elder sister and there will be younger brothers. Furthermore, the third brother will die. Should Mangal be yuti with Rahu, while Sahaj’s Lord is in his debilitation Rashi, there will be loss of younger brothers and/or sisters, while three elder brothers and/or sisters were attained by the native. If Sahaj’s Lord is in an angle, while the significator (Mangal) is exalted in a trine and be yuti with Guru, 12 will be the number of total co-born. Out of these two elders and the 3rd, the 7th, the 9th and the 12th of the younger co-born will be shortlived, while six of the said twelve will be longlived. 12-13. There will be 1 co-born, if Vyaya’s Lord (some texts read, as Labh’s Lord) joins Mangal and Guru, while Sahaj Bhava is occupied by Candr. If Candr is lonely placed in Sahaj Bhava with Drishti of male Grahas, there will be younger brothers, while the Drishti of Sukr denotes younger sisters. 14. Adverse Grahas. Surya in Sahaj Bhava will destroy the preborn. The afterborn will be destroyed, if Sani is found in Sahaj Bhava. In the same situation Mangal will destroy both the preborn and later-born. 15. After estimating the strength and weakness of such Yogas, the effects, related to brothers and sisters, be announced.

Effects of Dhan Bhav

Combinations for Wealth. 

O excellent of the Brahmins, listen to me, speaking on the effects of Dhan Bhava. If the Lord of Dhan is in Dhan, or is in an angle, or in trine, he will promote one’s wealth (or monetary state). 

Should he be in Ari/8th/12th, financial conditions will decline. 

A benefic in Dhan will give wealth, while a malefic instead will destroy wealth. 

One will be wealthy, if Guru is in Dhan, as the Lord of Dhan, or is with Mangal. 

If Dhan Lord is in Labh, while the Lord of Labh in Dhan, wealth will be acquired by the native. Alternately these two Lords may join in an angle, or in a trine. 5. If the Lord of Dhan is in an angle, while Labh Lord is in a trine thereof, or is drishtied by, or yuti with Guru and Sukr, the subject will be wealthy. 

Yogas for Poverty. One will be penniless, if the Lord of Dhan Bhava is in an evil Bhava, while the Lord of Labh Bhava is also so placed and Dhan Bhava is occupied by a malefic. There will be penury right from birth and the native will have to beg even for his food, if the Lords of Dhan and Labh Bhava are both combust, or with malefics. 

Loss of Wealth through the King. Should the Lords of Dhan and Labh Bhava be relegated to Ari, Randhr, or Vyaya Bhava, while Mangal is in Labh Bhava and Rahu is in Dhan Bhava, the native will lose his wealth on account of royal punishments. 

Expenses on Good Accounts. When Guru is in Labh, Sukr is in Dhan and a benefic is placed in Vyaya Bhava, while Dhan’s Lord is yuti with a benefic, there will be expenses on religious, or charitable grounds. 

Fame etc. If Dhan’s Lord is in own Rashi, or is exalted, the native will look after his people, will help others and also will become famous. 

Effortless Aquisition. If Dhan’s Lord is yuti with a benefic and is in a good division, like Paravatans, there will be effortlessly all kinds of wealth in the native’s family. (“Paravatansdau” of the text denotes Paravat, or such other higher Vargas: Dhan’s Lord should be in Paravatans, or in Devalokans, Brahmalokans, Sakravahanans, or Sridhamans in the Dash Varg scheme) 

Eyes. If Dhan Lord is endowed with strength, the native will possess beautiful eyes. Should the said Grah be in Ari, Randhr, or Vyaya Bhava, there will be disease, or deformity of eyes. 

Untruthful Person. If Dhan Bhava and its Lord are yuti with malefics, the native will be a talebearer, will speak untruth and will be afflicted by windy diseases.

Effects of Tanu Bhav (1st House)

Physical comforts. 

Should Lagn Lord be yuti with a malefic, or be in 8th, 6th, or 12th, physical felicity will diminish. 

If he is in an angle, or trine there will be at all times comforts of the body. 

If Lagn Lord is in debilitation, combustion, or enemy’s Rashi, there will be diseases.

With a benefic planets in an angle, or trine all diseases will disappear. 

Lagn’s angles (i.e. Bandhu, Yuvati, or the 10th), or its trine (Putr, Dharm), containing a benefic, is a powerful remedy for all, related to health. 

There will not be bodily health, if Lagn, or Moon be drishtied by, or conjunction with a naturally malefic, being devoid of a benefics Drishti. 

Bodily Beauty. A natural benefic in Lagna will give a beautiful appearance, while a natural malefic will make one bereft of good appearance. Felicity of the body will be enjoyed, if Lagn is drishtied by, or conjunction with a benefic. 

Other Benefits. If Lagn Lord, Budh, Guru, or Sukr be in an angle, or in a trine, the native will be long lived, wealthy, intelligent and liked by the king. 

Fame, wealth, abundant pleasures and comforts of the body will be acquired, if Lagn Lord is in a Movable Rashi and be drishtied by a benefic Grah. 

One will be endowed with royal marks (of fortune), if Budh, Guru, or Sukr be in Lagn along with the Moon, or be in angle from Lagn. 

If Budh, Guru, or Sukr be in 4th, 7th, or 10th from Lagn, or be in the company of Candr in Lagn, the native will enjoy royal fortunes. 

Coiled Birth. If there be a birth in one of Mesh, Vrishabh and Simh Lagnas, containing either Sani, or Mangal, the birth of the child is with a coil around a limb. The corresponding limb will be in accordance with the Rashi, or Navans, rising.  

Birth of Twins. The native, who has Surya in a quadruped Rashi, while others are in Dual Rashis with strength, is born, as one of the twins. 

To Be Nurtured by Three Mothers. If Surya and Moon join in one and the same Bhava and fall in one Navans, the native will be nurtured by three different mothers for the first three months from its birth and will later on be brought up by its father and brother. (‘Bhratri’ apart from meaning a brother calls for interpretation, as a near relative in general) -- instability with respect to mother.

Important. The learned in Jyotish should base the effects on Candr also, as are applicable to Lagn. Now explained are clues to know of ulcers, identity marks etc. on one’s person. 

Decanates and Bodily Limbs. Head, eyes, ears, nose, temple, chin and face is the order of limbs, denoted (by the various Bhavas), when the first decanate of a Rashi ascends. 

In the case of the second decanate ascending the order is neck, shoulder, arm, side, heart, stomach and navel. 
1st House : Neck
2nd House : Right hand 12th : Left hand
3rd House : Shoulders 11th :
4th House : Sides 
5th House : Chest
6th House : Stomach
7th House : Navel

The order for the third decanate ascending is pelvis, anus/penis, testicles, thigh, knee, calf and foot. 
1st House : Pelvic region / lower abdomen
2nd House : 2nd Genitals and 12th Anus
3rd House : Testicles/Ovaries and 11th for Left
 4th : Right thigh and left thigh
5th : Right knee and left
6th : Right calf and left calf
7th : Feet.

The portion already risen indicates left side of the body (while the one yet to rise, i.e. the invisible half, denotes the right side of the body). 

Limbs Affected. The limb, related to a malefic by occupation, will have ulcers, or scars, while the one, related to a benefic, will have a mark (like moles etc). So say the Jyotishis. (Also see Sloka 6, Ch. 4 of Saravali, which states, that a malefic, or a benefic, if be in own Rashi, or Navans, the effects will be right from birth. In other cases it will be in the course of one’s life, that these effects will come to pass)

Monday, March 4, 2013

Judgment of Bhavas

O Maharishi Parashar, I have come to know of the evils and antidotes thereof from you. Please tell me, what is to be deduced from each Bhava. 

House-1 : Indications of Tanu Bhava. Maharishi Parashar replies. Physique, appearance, intellect (or the organ of intelligence, i.e. brain), complexion of the body, vigour, weakness, happiness, grief and innate nature are all to be guessed through the ascending Rashi. 

House-2 : Indications of Dhan Bhava. Wealth, grains (food etc.), family, death, enemies, metals, precious stones etc. are to be understood through Dhan Bhava. 

House-3. Indications of Sahaj Bhava. From Sahaj Bhava know of the following: valour, servants (attending etc.), brothers, sisters etc., initiatory instructions (Upadesh), journey and parent’s death. 

House-4 Indications of Bandhu Bhava. Conveyances, relatives, mother, happiness, treasure, lands and buildings are to be consulted through Bandhu Bhava. 

House-5: Indications of Putr Bhava. The learned should deduce from Putr Bhava amulets, sacred spells, learning, knowledge, sons, royalty (or authority), fall of position etc. 

House-6. Indications of Ari Bhava. Maternal uncle, doubts about death, enemies, ulcers, step-mother etc. are to be estimated from Ari Bhava. 

House-7. Indications of Yuvati Bhava. Wife, travel, trade, loss of sight, death etc. be known from Yuvati Bhava. 

House-8. Indications of Randhr Bhava. Randhr Bhava indicates longevity, battle, enemies, forts, wealth of the dead and things, that have happened and are to happen (in the past and future births). 

House-9. Indications of Dharm Bhava. Fortunes, wife’s brother, religion, brother’s wife, visits to shrines etc. be known from Dharm Bhava. 

House-10. Indications of Karm Bhava. Royalty (authority), place, profession (livelihood), honour, father, living in foreign lands and debts are to be understood from Karm Bhava. 

House-11. Indications of Labh Bhava. All articles, son’s wife, income, prosperity, quadrupeds etc. are to be understood from Labh Bhava. 

House-12 Indications of Vyaya Bhava. From Vyaya Bhava, one can know about expenses, history of enemies, one’s own death etc. 

14-16. Prosperity, or Annihilation of a Bhava. Predict prosperity of the Bhava, which is yuti with, or drishtied by a benefic. Also, when its Lord is in Yuvavastha, or Prabuddhavastha, or in Kismaravastha, or in Karm Bhava, the Bhavas well-being is indicated. The Bhava, which is not drishtied by its Lord, or, whose Lord is with a malefic Grah, or with one of the Lords of evil and such other Bhavas (i.e. 3rd, 6th, 8th, 11th and 12th), or is defeated in a war between Grahas, or is in one of the three Avasthas, viz, Vriddhavastha, Mritavastha and Suptavastha.

First House: Physical body, complexion, appearance, head, intelligence, strength,
energy, fame, success, nature of birth, caste.

Second House: Wealth, assets, family, speech, eyes, mouth, face, voice, food.

Third House: Younger co-borns, confidants, courage, mental strength,
communication skills, creativity, throat, ears, arms, father’s death (7th from 9th),
expenditure on vehicles and house (12th from 4th), travels.

Fourth House: Mother, vehicles, house, lands, immovable property, motherland,
childhood, wealth from real estate, education, relatives, happiness, comforts,
pleasures, peace, state of mind, heart.

Fifth House: Children, poorvapunya (good deeds of previous lives), intelligence,
knowledge & scholarship, devotion, mantras (prayers), stomach, digestive system,
authority/power, fame, love, affection, emotions, judgment, speculation.

Sixth House: Enemies, service, servants, relatives, mental tension, injuries, health,
diseases, agriculture, accidents, mental affliction, mother’s younger brother, hips.

Seventh House: Marriage, marital life, life partner, sex, passion (and related
happiness), long journeys, partners, business, death, the portion of the body below
the navel.

Eighth House: Longevity, debts, disease, ill-fame, inheritance, loss of friends,
occult studies, evils, gifts, unearned wealth, windfall, disgrace, secrets, genitals.

Ninth House: Father, teacher, boss, fortune, religiousness, spirituality, God, higher
studies & high knowledge, fortune in a foreign land, foreign trips, diksha (joining areligious order), past life and the cause of birth, grandchildren, principles, dharma,
intuition, compassion, sympathy, leadership, charity, thighs.

Tenth House: Growth, profession, career, karma (action), conduct in society, fame,
honors, awards, self-respect, dignity, knees.

Eleventh House: Elder co-borns, income, gains, realization of hopes, friends,

Twelfth House: Losses, expenditure, punishment, imprisonment, hospitalization,
pleasures in bed, misfortune, bad habits, sleep, meditation, donation, secret enemies,
heaven, left eye, feet, residence away from the place of birth, moksha