1. 0 ° 00" to 3 ° 45 " Saturn [Slowest Planet]
2. 3 ° 45 " to 7 ° 30 " Jupiter
3. 7 ° 30 " to 11° 15" Mars
4. 11° 15"to 15 °00" Sun
5. 15 °00" to 18° 45 " Venus
6. 18° 45 "to 22 ° 30 " Mercury
7. 22 °30 " to 26 ° 15 " Moon [Fastest Planet]
8 26 ° 15 "to 30°00" Ascendant
While saying Kakshya lords we are taking the Ascendant lord so that planet is coming twice in Kakshya. Kindly clarify the role of Ascendant in Kakshya during prediction